Android studio 2.2.3 line bottom of edittext
Android studio 2.2.3 line bottom of edittext

android studio 2.2.3 line bottom of edittext

SetGravity(Gravity.CENTER or Gravity.RIGHT, 25, 0) TextView.text = "This is a custom layout" Val textView: TextView = layout.findViewById( Here is how you show Toast with a custom layout: val inflater = layoutInflater tGravity(Gravity.TOP or Gravity.RIGHT, 25, 75)

android studio 2.2.3 line bottom of edittext

Here is how you show Toast at a custom position: val toast = Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Toast at custom position ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG) Hereis how you show the default Toast: Toast.makeText(applicationContext, "Default Toast", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show() Add a couple of AppCompatButton objects: Simply add an AppCompatImageView and AppCompatTextView: This is the layout that will be applied to our custom toast. No special dependency is needed for this project. Start by creating an empty AndroidStudio Project. This is a simple example which demonstrates how to show the default Toast, Toast at custom position and a Toast with a custom layout. Example 1: Kotlin Android Toast Example – Show and Customize If we send or receive USSD messages to and from our SIM providers, these get shown in Toast messages. For instance,if we change the volume of the device speakers, we receive Toast notifications. Not only do our individual apps use the Toast class but the android system applications use them interactively.

android studio 2.2.3 line bottom of edittext

They don’t even receive focus hence they are non-obstructive. Thus they don’t interfere in any way in your layout design. Toasts appear as simple views that float over the application.

android studio 2.2.3 line bottom of edittext

We just flash them with our message for a few seconds and that’s it. Moreover we don’t need to accommodate them in our user interface design. Toasts on the hand are simple and we create them in only a single line of code. Yet the notification you are going to show is just a one time thing and is unpredictable. Still this seems an overkill since you would have to accomodate these components in your user interface plan. However that certainly seems an overkill to host a full dialog window just for such a simple message.Īnother way would be to show it in a TextView or an edittext. Notifications simply allow us to notify users of certain situations in the application.įor example suppose the user wants to connect to some form of webservice, but there is no connectivity, how do you handle such a sitiation. Toasts are important because we normally need a way to show notifications to our users. It does derive from the class and was added in API level 1. The toast class helps you create and show those.Īs a class the Toast class resides in the android.widget package like many other framework user interface components. We have several examples of Snackbar here What is Toast?Ī toast is a view containing a quick little message for the user.

Android studio 2.2.3 line bottom of edittext